None of us like feeling ill especially when we are on holiday in Le Touquet. Sensible travelers will pack a small selection of cold remedies and pain relief tablets just in case. Should we begin to feel ill or suffering the excesses of last nights party you have it covered right? But what if we run out or need something more specific for an ailment? Relax your local Pharmacist is there to help.
Pharmacie de la Côte Opale SNC
45 Rue Saint-Jean, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage
Tel 0321051342
Pharmacy 4 Seasons
17 Rue Saint-Jean
Tel +33 3 21 05 04 66
Pharmacy Quentovic
44 Rue de Calais
Tel +33 3 21 05 24 70
Pharmacies are open daily
09:00 – 13:00 hrs
14:00 – 1900 -2000 hrs variable.
The French word for Pharmacy is Pharmacie and is pronounced in the same way. Shops are visible due to the traditional Green Cross displayed outside.
Generally drugs that are freely available across the counter are the same as can be purchased at a UK Chemist shop.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to receive treatment with the same rights as a French residence. If you have a prescription from the UK or issued in France you should present it together with the EHIC when you go to the pharmacy.
You should pay the same rate at the pharmacy as someone who was insured and living in that country. In France, for residents the Carte Vitale is the health insurance card of the national health care system in France.
Travel Tip created by Le Touquet Holidays in association with Vacation Soup